Thursday, November 21, 2013

What are we doing America? goes. Thank you Kallie for this inspiration.

So here's a little article you can checkout, if you haven't already, that is a prime example of the victim society being condoned...being taught in this country. Go ahead. Read this bullshit. I also read the article this one is based should read it. It doesn't exactly say "we are banning PB&J."

Did you read it? Are you pissed? Aggravated? Confused that you grew up poor eating what is considered a "white privilege"? I am. Now let's get real. I'm going to give you some facts that you may not know about me. I'm a single mom (you should know this if you've read any previous blogs, but just in case) who until 2009 worked 2-3 jobs. Oh wait, this summer I picked up a part time job to make ends meet. So I'm a single mom, small business owner who isn't always (or ever for about 3 years) living it up with a fat bank account. In fact, I kind of want to see how much money I spent on $30 overdraft fees this year. I told you we are getting REAL here. I bet I could buy something nice...we'll see. With that being said, there are times when I've made a trip to the store & thought "okay, we need milk, bread, and what else can get us through on the last $20 I have until payday?" Yep, you guessed it PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY! Well I'll I thought all this time it was a household favorite because sometimes ham & cheese are just too much money to spend, but NOPE. We're privileged. Just so you know, I buy whatever is on Ky's dismay. Oh & to really blow you away...there have been times when my income qualified my daughter for free or reduced lunches, but she doesn't like anything at school that isn't cookies or chips so PB&J it is! 

That right there...LOVE.

Onto the big issue. I am not racist. I was raised in the suburbs of Kansas City, MO and white people were kind of the minority. When I moved here I was pretty appalled, as a freshman in high school, at the amount of bigotry & ignorance in this small town. AND the mostly white population! I did not grow up being the most popular girl. I was bullied. So racism & bullying are two things I do not condone. I try to instill in my daughter that people are people and should not be judged based on their appearance whether it is skin color, weight, hair color, clothing...judge the person by their actions. Not their looks. Let's be clear on how far this goes because sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is correcting phrases she hears from the kids & adults in her life. I do not tolerate "ginger"...yep. You red-haired people are safe with me. "Mexican" always brings the question "is the person you're referring to actually from Mexico? Because if not, they aren't Mexican." We don't call people retarded. AND TO BE CLEAR...the word "nigga" or any other version of it makes me want to RIP OUT YOUR THROAT!

I think all kids are subjected to some form of bullying at some point in their lives. It is terrible & unfortunately part of growing up. I was bullied. Not everyone likes me. Ky still deals with a few girls who have been bullying her for years. Detentions do nothing to stop these people. What I say to her is these people, who are so quick to pick on someone else, are very likely coming from a home where they endure bullying from the people who are never supposed to hurt them. This doesn't make it right, but those are the sad facts. So now we are trying to stop bullying, be politically correct, not offend anyone. These are all well & good. The road to Hell though, what's it paved with? Oh yes, GOOD INTENTIONS. So we are giving trophies for being on the team, even though this is in fact a competitive sport, made to have winners & losers. People are suing (and winning) over things like spilling their own damn coffee & getting burnt. espresso machine doesn't put a warning label on my coffee mug every morning, but I know if I spill it that shit is gonna hurt! Coffee is made with boiling hot water. BOILING HOT! It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that boiling water burns. It is called common sense, but if you don't have it, or use it, you're rewarded. That person made a million (or somewhere in the ballpark) from a burn so I guess to make a million you don't have to be smart. Or have common sense.

Then, here we are in this land built by people who came & well, stole it from the natives. Unless you are a Native 100%, not 2% so you get a break on your student debt, YOUR ANCESTORS WERE IMMIGRANTS. Yep, it is true. Glad I could enlighten you. You may have been born here, your family may have been one of the original founding families. Good for you. Thanks for PB&J! Just because someone is new here, doesn't mean they don't have rights. It also doesn't mean that we should be losing our rights. I mean seriously...we can't say the Pledge of Allegiance in school?!! Or trust in God without offending someone?!!! I can't refuse to give my daughter a vaccination that I think it is useless, but the school requires it in order for her to attend, however if it were against my religion then I could. That's pretty ridiculous. I don't know when it happened that accepting other cultures meant ours was no longer acceptable. That is the problem. 

We are creating a nation of people who expect something for nothing. Who can't figure out that hot coffee is HOT! Who think that if someone treats them badly they should shoot up an elementary school or become a rapist or serial killer. Really?!? This is all very sad. Here's what is even more sad:
THE MEDIA MAKES THIS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REAL PROBLEMS WE ARE fighting wars we aren't welcome, or wanted, in or giving more money to other countries when we are so upside down that we should just start liquidating assets. How much do you think they could get for all the government's vacation properties? We stop paying our soldiers, but continue to pay Congress. I don't think they should be over there fighting a war that we aren't wanted in, but dammit I respect their willingness to lay down their lives to defend our freedom!! They make a choice to sign up for something they may never come home from. If they do come home, they will never be the same. We sit here & bitch about traffic or waiting in line or one of a billion other things that we will not remember tomorrow while they risk it all so we can take it for granted. Isn't it sad we can't pledge our allegiance to that flag they're fighting for?

I believe all of this enabling is what some of my friends (God love them!!) would call the "pussification of America." I like to call it a victim complex because "pussification" implies that women (and kittens) are weak...I hope no one was offended. If you were, you should probably suck it up & um not let everything that hurts your feelings be an excuse to not be a grown up. Being a grown up sucks. It's really going to suck for these kids that we are teaching that everything they do is the best. I'm all for inspiring imagination & creativity, but do you really want a bunch of young adults heading off to college without ever being told they didn't quite make the grade? I mean really? Or how bout we send them out in to the workforce expecting to walk into whatever job they want, make 6 figures & not ever have to do a damn thing. Is that the way the world works? Nope. So maybe we should stop enabling & prepare our future for that cold, hard, REAL world. I'm not talking the REAL WORLD on MTV. Those bitches are a whole other blog on what's wrong in America.

And just one more question...let's see if you read the second article. Is it acceptable to say "Black & Brown people"? I was sure that wasn't how we were doing things these days.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Thank you

I've been reading all of these thankful posts on Facebook & I have to agree with my friend who recently wrote about what she is thankful for...I love them. I am thankful everyday for so many things. I'm thankful that she encouraged me to write this blog. I thought about getting on this 30 Days of Thanks program, but sometimes I don't get on Facebook everyday...sometimes I am on it all day long. Then it was 4 days in and I thought " I have to catch up...maybe next year." 

Just because I'm not posting every day what I'm thankful for doesn't mean I'm not thankful and it sure doesn't mean I don't like this idea. I F***ING love it! I love it because so often it is easier to see the negative, the hard things, the disappointments, the ugliness in the world. Those are right there in your face...screaming "LOOK AT ME!! LOOK AT ME!!! I'M RUINING!!!!" So we see these too often & while we are busy focusing on this so much good is missed. We are all guilty of this. It is too easy to do. You get caught up in the negativity & something great is overlooked. That something great isn't always GREAT BIG. Maybe it is a squeal from a precious baby or kisses given by an adorable 4 year old. These seem so small, but they can sure brighten your day. They can make your day. That baby will be grown soon, the 4 year old even sooner & then I'll only have the memories of those moments because they were fleeting. 

Puppy is a cat for those of you that don't know.
This weekend has been long & busy. Tonight is the slowest night for sleep over guests with only 3 extra teenage girls. I can hear them laughing & being ridiculous back there. I love it. Don't get me wrong, I'm also terrified. I have made contact with the outside world. There are people standing by in case I disappear in the night. My house was clean for about 2 hours today. I hope to regain at least 75% of that cleanliness by tomorrow night. We'll see. For now I will sit here with my feet up while Pup gets as close to me as she can without being on the laptop. She's a real help. In her defense, she did have to hideout most of the day from the small children & screaming girls. She's a laid back type of cat...may have some social anxiety. She slept on the Ugg boxes in the closet to keep herself out of harm's way.

Saturday at 5:30 p.m.

I am incredibly thankful for the crazy life I lead. I'm thankful for this gorgeous house we live in thanks to my amazing stepdaddy. It has unfinished places & a few rough edges, but it's coming along & I love it more everyday I am here. I love that I can have 7 extra bodies here on a Friday night & there is still room for more. We didn't even use the couches, recliner or air mattress!! We did all share one bathroom & that was a challenge. Oh we have 1.5 bathrooms, but Ky's was too scary even for her to use until yesterday when I put my foot down & made her *pause for dramatic effect* CLEAN HER OWN TOILET!!! Still one shower is a challenge with 3 grown women & 5 children aged 4 months to 14 years. Almost every towel was in the dirty clothes by Saturday. Those towels were clean & folded neatly in their cupboard Friday night. 

Sunday at 4 p.m. Yep that's my old lady shower cap hanging on the shower door...sometimes you don't need wet hair!
I'm so thankful to Jay Bjaranson. There were a lot of years where I wouldn't have said that. A lot of fight & struggle. He & I didn't see eye to eye on much. We did, however, create a beautiful daughter & then 9.5 years later he gave her an amazing little brother. I'm very fortunate to get to be a part of that little guy's life. He recently moved with his mama & brothers to St. Helens so he isn't just down the road anymore. This weekend he was with us. I forget how hard having a 4 year old around is every time...then he comes to visit & reminds me. He's a good boy. He's also a boy. And 4 years old. He cries if things don't go his way. He helps me around the house. He folded laundry with me last night until he fell asleep 20 minutes into Open Season, he helped me put things in the attic today, he colored on my couch cushion with an ink pen, that bought him a trip to the corner & a talk about how we need to respect other's things, not lie when we do something we shouldn't & that even though I am angry I will never stop loving him. Then he helped me wrap Ky's birthday presents & when he left with Aunt Mouse tonight I picked him up to hug him tight. While I held him in my arms one last time this weekend, he took my face in his hands & kissed me about 20 times. I am so glad to be his Jasmine. I love him so!!!

Ky's birthday flowers & Jay.
Talon loves taking selfies.

Of course I'm thankful for Ky as well. She's the best thing I have ever done. She's also the hardest thing I have ever done. I don't think she will get easier for a very long time, but we will be alright. She's coming along pretty well...getting better with age. She hugs me more these days & for that I am severely grateful!

Jay not only gave me Ky & then brought Talon along for us. Because of him I have my in-laws...or out-laws as we sometimes say. Out-laws because I was never married to Jay & the other out-law (who deserves credit for the term) has been long divorced from Jeff. In-law or out-law...they are my family. I am thankful everyday for them. Sometimes we get busy & don't see each other or talk for weeks, but then something brings us, all or some, together & it's like we were together just yesterday. I can fall asleep on the couch while whatever sporting event is on because in a Bjaranson house, if there's a man around there's a game on. I can eat way too much, laugh too much, talk without using my filter...they love me despite my sailor mouth (and our football rivalry. GO CHIEFS! Which reminds me...I'm thankful my football team is 9-0 & hopeful they will beat the Broncos next Sunday!). I've stood with them through some of the hardest times that family has faced & I'll be there for more as that is the way life goes. I've laughed & celebrated their triumphs & happiness. They keep giving me more nieces & nephews to love. I can't imagine my life without them. 

I'm thankful for my family...the ones that share my DNA & the ones brought to me by 2nd or 4th marriages. Some have been there since before I was born, others only a few years. I love them all. They made me who I am today. They loved & supported me even in my least lovable moments...ages 11-18 would be a good example. They gave me traditions to pass on to Ky. So many memories & memories to be made. So much love. Laughter & joy. I don't see them enough. I think of them daily. I try to visit...I should visit more. I love them so!

Now let's talk about my bests. I have these friends that I could call anytime from anywhere & they would do whatever they could to give me whatever I need. They know my deep dark secrets (duh....I have those), my pains, my joys, my heartaches, what movie ending will make me instantly pissed, that I hate crying & that sometimes I need to cry anyway. They are like coming home. Some I've had for years & years, some have moved thousands of miles to wind up nearby again by chance. Some haven't been in my life as long as others, but no matter how new or old, they are mine, I am theirs & I would move mountains for them. There are some who I only talk to a few times a year, then they pop into town without notice & make me see things as they me see what the reasons were that things happened because you know I believe everything happens for a reason. You just don't always understand the reason right away. They are all bests for different reasons. Whatever the reason, they are my bests. They make me whole.

I am thankful that I chose happiness. I used to be more joke...I know that's a hard one to wrap your head around if you experience me regularly, but it is true. Let's get things straight. I still yell at drivers who I believe to be suffering from low IQ and poor decision making. I yell at my precious child far too often. I am a yeller. I get mad. There are some people who I dislike in a fairly grave way...and by fairly I mean brutally. I do not wish them harm, but I feel my insides twisting & churning when I happen by them & have to behave like a civilized adult. I'm human alright...! Now back to choosing happiness. I believe that happiness is a choice. It is far more beautiful than misery. Still, there are those who choose misery. It takes a lot of energy to be unhappy. So a while back I decided to stop wasting so much of my energy on negativity, to try & let go of those things I cannot change (like the price of gas), to look for & embrace the positive in situations and to forgive those who have caused harm. I don't forgive them for them, I forgive them for me. As I said, I am not a professional at this by any stretch of the imagination (or resume writer's fluffing), but I do my best to find the good. It took me a long time to really hang on to this. This was something my daddy was so amazing at. Maybe he is the one that makes me stop & look for that silver lining. I know I feel him more when I do.

I am thankful for my health. It got me great rates on my life insurance policies!

Tay, Ky & me our last Christmas together

I am thankful for those who came into my life for a short time. One in particular left me with someone who will be in my life forEVER. She is my Oldest Daughter. I did not give her life. I didn't know her from the start. She didn't want to like me at first...I made her love me. I stole her heart by baking cupcakes, scary movie nights & our mutual love of Christmas. I'm sneaky like that! Now we have matching tattoos. Nothing says LOVE like matching tattoos! She is gorgeous & incredible, kind & fun, an amazing woman. She doesn't live nearby anymore. I miss her. I'm thankful that she will be with us for a week of Christmas mayhem in December. I'm counting down on the fridge calendar & in my head 
(24 days). I. Can. Not. Wait. To. See. Her!!!!!!!

This could get really long because I'm just really thankful for so much in my life. So for now  I'll stop. I won't stop being thankful. I'm just going to stop writing about it tonight. Don't think for a minute that if you are in my life & I didn't hint about you enough that you knew I meant you in this thank you note that I am not thankful for you...I am. 
Settle down.

Thank you for reading!!!!


Sunday, November 10, 2013

14 years

With Grandpa Mark on day 1.
My baby girl turns 14 in a couple of days. It is hard to believe. I look at the precious angelface I held in the early morning hours of November 11, 1999 and wonder where the time went. How did she get so smart, sassy, beautiful, witty, curvy, and well, OLD???!!!!! I have barely aged a long as my grey stays hidden...yet she's changed so much. It is unbelievable.
Look at that tiny baby girl. 5lbs. 3 oz.
13 months old on Christmas with Grandpa Bob.
A little over a year old with her daddy.

Sadly, she's already lost 3 very important men in her life. First Grandpa Bob went, then Grandpa Mark and last year her daddy. It is too bad that they will miss so much of her life, but I know they're watching over her. I need them to watch over her & me. I can't do all this alone. I remember being 19 years old with her on the way wondering if I was going to be able to do this. How could I do my best for her? Would I be a good mama or fail miserably? I think all parents have these thoughts. If they don't, they should! Being a parent is scary shit!! Here are just a few of those terrifying moments:

1. Going home from the hospital without my tiny baby. She was so scrawny she didn't have enough body fat to keep her blood sugar levels stable. So I stayed in the hospital an extra night & then had to go home while she stayed 3 more. I cried & cried. There were a lot of visits to the hospital those 3 days.
2. I brought my baby home on day 6, I got a fever of 104 degrees, I had mastitis...that HURTS!!! It finally cleared up by day 7 & then my mama had to go home. I cried & cried after she left.
3. She had to go to the emergency room at 6 weeks. She had a UTI. Her fever was so high. 
4. She was a little over 2 when I broke her thumb. She would climb in the front of the car & then between the seats to the back. I opened the back door to put some things in the back seat, her thumb was on the hinge. Instead of sleeping in our new house that night we went to the ER & she got stitches all the way around her thumb. It broke the growth plate. Her right thumb isn't as big as the left.
5. She had to get stitches above her eyebrow when she fell at daycare. This happened about 6 months after the broken thumb. Another trip to the ER.
6. You may recall, I dropped her off at school when she didn't have school in Kindergarten & she walked almost all the way home before I passed her on my way to work. 
(You guessed it, 3-6...I cried & cried!)
7. She stayed with her dad 5 days a week for my last term of massage was the a long 11 weeks. Not because I didn't trust him to take care of her, but because I always had her all week. He had her weekends. Thank goodness he was able to do that so I could finish school. 
8. She went to middle school.    9. She walked home for the first time.   10. She flew to California by herself.
11. I wasn't with her the day Jay's boat went down. We were in Seattle for my sister's 30th birthday when I got the call. She was in good hands, another Thank the Lord moment. Mandy kept her away from any news of what was happening until I could get home. Then I had to tell her why I was home.
12. They called off the search for Jay's boat. I had to tell her that. Heartbreak & more tears. 
13. She turned 13. WHAT?????!!!!!! She has boobs & curves & her little muscular body now resembles the ladies on the covers of women's fitness magazines.

I have made countless mistakes. I will be the first to admit it. There are plenty of things I wish I had done differently, but you don't get a 2nd chance. You just have to learn from the things you wish you could change & do better next time. Every day you just wake up & try to be better than you were yesterday. She thinks I am the meanest ever some days...other days I think she likes having me around. Either way, she's stuck with me & I love that beastly little (not so little anymore) girl. 

She's wild. I think that when it comes to the things she wants to do, she thinks "if I do this how much trouble will I be in? OK...I'm doing it anyway." That kind of spirit is hard to live with on a daily basis. I know that one day it will mean she's a strong women & it will be an amazing trait that will be extremely beneficial to her. Right now it is causing me more & more greys that need covering! This wild spirit is paired with a double streak of stubborn. She comes by it honestly. She is a product of two very strong willed people. Sometimes when she is really mad she makes a face that looks exactly like Jay. There were 12 years where every time I saw that face, I wanted to punch her (You heard me. Punch her. I didn't. Just sayin' I wanted to.) it still makes me crazy, but it also lets me see Jay once in awhile & for that I am grateful. He was taken way before his time.

She's gorgeous. She says that I have to say that because I'm her mom & anyone else who says that says it because they're my friend or family. So I guess they are all biased...or she's just gorgeous. The most recent comments when I showed a couple of friends who hadn't seen a pic of her in a while were "You're in trouble." and "Oh Jasmine....I'm sorry." Then, to another guy at the table, "She's not even 14. Don't even think about it!" Oh and a couple more that I really loved: "I'm not OK with those boobs either...yes please call if you need some punks scared off." "I don't approve of that outfit...she should only be allowed to wear a big, baggy sheet!...or garbage bag." and "Oh it's been a while since I scared anyone with him, call me if you need us...that'd be fun!" Yep, my list of scary guys is still in tact & growing. Hallelujah!

She's extremely precious when she's sleeping...or fake sleeping like in this one. 
She has a very kind heart. She is still a teenage girl, but she has & always has had a kindness & thoughtfulness that make me so proud of her. Once in a great while I get to be on the receiving end of this...there are no words for how this makes me feel. I know she is a teenager & that is why those moments are few & far between, but I see her actions towards others more frequently. My granny says it is best if your children are their best self in the presence of others. She is. 

Ky holding Talon for the first time. We went straight from her dance recital to the hospital. June 12, 2009
Showing him pictures of their dad at the cabin. August 2013

She loves her baby brother. He is extremely lovable. I can't get enough of that little guy either. I'm happy that we have the opportunity to see him regularly. As I write this he is asleep in her room. We got to have him all of her birthday weekend. If she had her way, we would have him every single day! He is the only baby she ever held at the hospital...all the others she waits to hold. She's scared of babies I'm pretty sure!
At the pumpkin patch. October 2013

She is very independent. Another trait that will be a godsend when she's an adult, but one I'd rather not fight over now. Here's another Worst Mama Confession: she gets herself up for school everyday. I am not a morning person. I hate waking up. She has been getting up for years. I do set my alarm to make sure she's awake, but then quickly drift back to sleep until she says I need to drive her to school. I also don't make lunches. And I yell in the morning when provoked...she isn't a morning person either. She provokes a lot.


She's funny. And a bit of a smart ass. Yep also something that's passed down through generations. Sorry I'm not sorry! Someone needs to brighten up this world so we will keep up our quick (sometimes inappropriate, sometimes a bit embarrassing) wit and you will like it! 

She hates when I take her picture, but takes a billion ridiculous just so we are clear...I am a much better photographer than her! It isn't like I don't let her preapprove pics. should see some of the dumb ass faces she Snapchats. My stuff is way better! And yes I just said she makes dumb ass faces. It's true. Ask her friends. Not duck faces either, because I will give those lips a little knuckle sandwich filler if I see some duck faced posing going on. Yuck. 

When it comes to her birthdays, I have created a monster. She had her golden birthday at 11. For those of you in the dark, your golden birthday is the year you turn the age of the day you were born...November 11 is her birthday so she turned 11 & well I had to make that golden birthday one to remember. We went to Lincoln City for the weekend. Stayed in my grandparents' time share, got pedicures, shopped...acted like we were high rollers. So she turns 12 the next year...what do you think she wants? Obviously a better birthday than the year before. We stayed at the hotel I worked at that year. Went out to dinner, were chauffeured to & from dinner in a classic car the Cannery Pier Hotel has for chauffeuring guests. It was awesome. Then 13...well that was the first year without Jay so I'm not going to lie, I just wanted to keep her happy. Anything to keep her mind off passing that first set of birthdays & holidays without him. So we stayed in Portland at Hotel Modera, had dinner with my sister & niece at Benihana, my niece stayed at the hotel with us, we shopped all day the next day. It pretty much kicked ass...even though I took away her birthday party because she was being so bad in school last fall. You want to hear the thanks I got? This year she informs me that this year she wants to have a party for family, a party for friends, then go stay in Seattle for the dinner/hotel/shopping portion of the program. Um......NO! Let's back it up here. Seattle: oh HELL NO! I have made 3 bad trips to Seattle in a row now. I will be steering clear of that city for a while. Separate birthday parties. Again...HELL NO! 

That leads us to tonight. This weekend, which happened to be a 6 day weekend if you attend Astoria School District, we have had no less than 4 extra bodies at the house Friday & tonight, with the potential for 7 tomorrow night. I am barely maintaining my sanity. Don't get me wrong. I love our guests. I wish some of them could just be here all the time. The challenges lie in: feeding them, having enough clean towels, having access to the bathroom when you need it, fitting everyone in the car if we choose to go somewhere (I can not), getting the house in order for the parade of teens who will be passing through Sunday all while working every day. The past couple of months work has been slow. This is not ideal, but when the house needs cleaning or we have visitors (new babies especially) I really don't hate not having to go into work. This week I have worked 5 days in a row. (Yes I am well aware that most people do this...I used to work 6 every week...I don't anymore. I'm very blessed.) Tomorrow I am going to help out at the spa where I haven't worked in a year & a half. It is only one appointment. I am so grateful for the extra income and the opportunity to fill in in a pinch. I also have forgotten & then remembered I'll be working tomorrow morning (about 3 times so far). Please, oh please, let those kids not trash the house for the hour & a half I will be away!!! Then on Monday I will be hanging out with 3-4 extra teenage girls (don't be offended my lil teen fan...I do love you!) instead of relaxing on my one day off. That day off happens to be my little angelface's 14th birthday. Do you think they will let me take them to a 3D animated movie???? *fingers crossed*

I hope this year I am a better mama than I was last year or the year before. This mama stuff isn't for the faint of heart. I am constantly reminded of the terror I subjected my sweet mama to during my teen years. Yep. Saying sorry doesn't remove the curse. It doesn't even get you a reduced sentence. I'm fairly confident I am approaching superhero status after all parenting has subjected me to. Maybe that's why I've really been loving my boots this fall...they're part of the uniform! Good thing they are cute!!

I am so blessed to have the girl that I have. I have grown so much in her 14 years & I know we've only just begun. I'm anxious to meet the woman she will become, but I truly am not in a hurry to get there. The years are already flying by so fast. I look back over the years & they don't seem so long ago, but they are. 


Ky's first sturgeon. 2008 I think.
Ky, Tay (my other girl) & I. September 2009

November 2011

1st day of 8th grade. September 2013
Happy Birthday Kylie Alice Grace Bjaranson!!! Love you the mostestest!!!