Saturday, March 14, 2015


On this day last year I had a date. I was pretty nervous, like most of us are on a first date, even though I'd known him for years. Well I'd known who he was, we'd met 16 or so years before, but our paths hadn't crossed much since then. Luckily that changed. He asked me to have a drink with him one Friday night, but I was already headed out to dinner with some friends. So the next week he asked a little in advance & I said turned out to be my best yes. Ever. He is my best yes.

His favorite picture of us.
Our first date led to many more & we were both surprised (the good kind...not the scary stuff jumping out at you kind) at how it just all felt so right. It all just fell into place & we were happier than we ever thought possible. We ARE happier than we ever thought possible. Every day it just gets a little more wonderful.

Before Chelsea.
In the past year we have done so much. Made so many memories. Tried lots of new things...Bigfoot hunting & drag races for me, sushi, Cinetopia & a Chelsea Handler show (best birthday present to date!) for him. We have so much fun & so much love. It's just amazing. He's amazing & I am incredibly lucky to have him by my side. All the hard stuff (life always has hard stuff you know) that we've dealt with this past year was just a little easier because at the end of the day we had each other. All the good stuff was even better because we shared it. Watching him with the kids...his, mine, any kids at all is a beautiful thing. He is so full of love & patience & everything good.

Almost ready to go.
The night before last I watched him & that man sized son of his load up the race trailer & prepare for another summer of drag racing more weekends than not while his beautiful daughter & I made plans to not eat hamburgers or hot dogs EVERY SINGLE race weekend. At the end of the night, all the thoughts of how crazy busy we would be faded away as I looked in the back of the trailer & saw two Jr. dragsters and a golf cart loaded & ready for Woodburn. I went home thinking of how new it all was last summer when I first fell in love with drag racing & how many memories we have made since then. 

In the staging lanes behind the jet hot & smoky!
In Vegas for NHRA Nationals...AWESOME!!

Christmas in Redmond with my girls.
We have so many plans for this next year. So much to look forward to & I feel so blessed to have him & all that he brings with him...funny, incredible kids, new friends & an awesome family that's been family from the start! And much love. I can't wait for every new memory & new experience. Thank goodness I said "yes" to that first date. He is my very best yes. 

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