Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Appropriate Attire

I think that we strive to raise our children to do better & be better than us.

That's the goal right? Teach them from the life lessons you've learned...I don't believe you make mistakes if you learn from that choice...maybe it was a really bad choice, maybe you've been kicking yourself ever since, maybe it was the best choice at the time, maybe you felt there was no choice. It is done, learn from it and move on. I have made plenty of these choices. Are there things I would do differently? Maybe I should do them differently, but they made me who I am & taught me what I know. I love who I am so I just keep trying to do my best, be better than I was yesterday.

Today my daughter started 8th grade. Last night we were discussing clothes for her first day of school & she said, to her friend, "my mom takes me to school everyday so I could never wear something she didn't approve of." I didn't approve of black & white tribal print leggings with a black V-neck tight, somewhat see through pants with a shirt that hugged all of her curves AND didn't cover her little butt...NO THANK YOU! Today she called me to bring money for her P.E. uniform & sign the Volleyball forms so she could participate in P.E. & Volleyball practice today. I went into the cafeteria looking for this lovely young lady.

What I found was this lovely young lady in the clothing that I had told her was "never to be worn in public." 
Yep..she took it to school & changed. So I pulled her out of the cafeteria (she walked out ahead of physical force needed), accompanied her to her locker & waited outside the girls' room while she changed back into her 1st day of 8th grade clothes. She then handed me the leggings & returned to lunch.

I am now the proud owner of black & white tribal print leggings I would not be caught dead in.

I know that she is my karma for my teen years. I know I deserve everything she throws my way. I was a beast to my sweet mother...she is a tough lady & she survived. Now that sweet lady replies "I remember a teenager who acted very much like that" whenever I call with tales like this.

I also played for the majors in the 'teen scheming/getting away with whatever I wanted/not caring if I got caught' league. She does not. She always busts herself. Thank the Lord. I hope that means I am doing something right.

I don't remember ever changing into something I wasn't allowed to wear...then again I got ready & took the bus to school after my mom left for the office. So...

Does this make me a hypocrite?

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