So here's a little article you can checkout, if you haven't already, that is a prime example of the victim society being condoned...being taught in this country. Go ahead. Read this bullshit. I also read the article this one is based should read it. It doesn't exactly say "we are banning PB&J."
Did you read it? Are you pissed? Aggravated? Confused that you grew up poor eating what is considered a "white privilege"? I am. Now let's get real. I'm going to give you some facts that you may not know about me. I'm a single mom (you should know this if you've read any previous blogs, but just in case) who until 2009 worked 2-3 jobs. Oh wait, this summer I picked up a part time job to make ends meet. So I'm a single mom, small business owner who isn't always (or ever for about 3 years) living it up with a fat bank account. In fact, I kind of want to see how much money I spent on $30 overdraft fees this year. I told you we are getting REAL here. I bet I could buy something nice...we'll see. With that being said, there are times when I've made a trip to the store & thought "okay, we need milk, bread, and what else can get us through on the last $20 I have until payday?" Yep, you guessed it PEANUT BUTTER & JELLY! Well I'll I thought all this time it was a household favorite because sometimes ham & cheese are just too much money to spend, but NOPE. We're privileged. Just so you know, I buy whatever is on Ky's dismay. Oh & to really blow you away...there have been times when my income qualified my daughter for free or reduced lunches, but she doesn't like anything at school that isn't cookies or chips so PB&J it is!
That right there...LOVE.
Onto the big issue. I am not racist. I was raised in the suburbs of Kansas City, MO and white people were kind of the minority. When I moved here I was pretty appalled, as a freshman in high school, at the amount of bigotry & ignorance in this small town. AND the mostly white population! I did not grow up being the most popular girl. I was bullied. So racism & bullying are two things I do not condone. I try to instill in my daughter that people are people and should not be judged based on their appearance whether it is skin color, weight, hair color, clothing...judge the person by their actions. Not their looks. Let's be clear on how far this goes because sometimes I feel like all I'm doing is correcting phrases she hears from the kids & adults in her life. I do not tolerate "ginger"...yep. You red-haired people are safe with me. "Mexican" always brings the question "is the person you're referring to actually from Mexico? Because if not, they aren't Mexican." We don't call people retarded. AND TO BE CLEAR...the word "nigga" or any other version of it makes me want to RIP OUT YOUR THROAT!
I think all kids are subjected to some form of bullying at some point in their lives. It is terrible & unfortunately part of growing up. I was bullied. Not everyone likes me. Ky still deals with a few girls who have been bullying her for years. Detentions do nothing to stop these people. What I say to her is these people, who are so quick to pick on someone else, are very likely coming from a home where they endure bullying from the people who are never supposed to hurt them. This doesn't make it right, but those are the sad facts. So now we are trying to stop bullying, be politically correct, not offend anyone. These are all well & good. The road to Hell though, what's it paved with? Oh yes, GOOD INTENTIONS. So we are giving trophies for being on the team, even though this is in fact a competitive sport, made to have winners & losers. People are suing (and winning) over things like spilling their own damn coffee & getting burnt. espresso machine doesn't put a warning label on my coffee mug every morning, but I know if I spill it that shit is gonna hurt! Coffee is made with boiling hot water. BOILING HOT! It shouldn't take a genius to figure out that boiling water burns. It is called common sense, but if you don't have it, or use it, you're rewarded. That person made a million (or somewhere in the ballpark) from a burn so I guess to make a million you don't have to be smart. Or have common sense.
Then, here we are in this land built by people who came & well, stole it from the natives. Unless you are a Native 100%, not 2% so you get a break on your student debt, YOUR ANCESTORS WERE IMMIGRANTS. Yep, it is true. Glad I could enlighten you. You may have been born here, your family may have been one of the original founding families. Good for you. Thanks for PB&J! Just because someone is new here, doesn't mean they don't have rights. It also doesn't mean that we should be losing our rights. I mean seriously...we can't say the Pledge of Allegiance in school?!! Or trust in God without offending someone?!!! I can't refuse to give my daughter a vaccination that I think it is useless, but the school requires it in order for her to attend, however if it were against my religion then I could. That's pretty ridiculous. I don't know when it happened that accepting other cultures meant ours was no longer acceptable. That is the problem.
We are creating a nation of people who expect something for nothing. Who can't figure out that hot coffee is HOT! Who think that if someone treats them badly they should shoot up an elementary school or become a rapist or serial killer. Really?!? This is all very sad. Here's what is even more sad:
THE MEDIA MAKES THIS MORE IMPORTANT THAN REAL PROBLEMS WE ARE fighting wars we aren't welcome, or wanted, in or giving more money to other countries when we are so upside down that we should just start liquidating assets. How much do you think they could get for all the government's vacation properties? We stop paying our soldiers, but continue to pay Congress. I don't think they should be over there fighting a war that we aren't wanted in, but dammit I respect their willingness to lay down their lives to defend our freedom!! They make a choice to sign up for something they may never come home from. If they do come home, they will never be the same. We sit here & bitch about traffic or waiting in line or one of a billion other things that we will not remember tomorrow while they risk it all so we can take it for granted. Isn't it sad we can't pledge our allegiance to that flag they're fighting for?
I believe all of this enabling is what some of my friends (God love them!!) would call the "pussification of America." I like to call it a victim complex because "pussification" implies that women (and kittens) are weak...I hope no one was offended. If you were, you should probably suck it up & um not let everything that hurts your feelings be an excuse to not be a grown up. Being a grown up sucks. It's really going to suck for these kids that we are teaching that everything they do is the best. I'm all for inspiring imagination & creativity, but do you really want a bunch of young adults heading off to college without ever being told they didn't quite make the grade? I mean really? Or how bout we send them out in to the workforce expecting to walk into whatever job they want, make 6 figures & not ever have to do a damn thing. Is that the way the world works? Nope. So maybe we should stop enabling & prepare our future for that cold, hard, REAL world. I'm not talking the REAL WORLD on MTV. Those bitches are a whole other blog on what's wrong in America.
And just one more question...let's see if you read the second article. Is it acceptable to say "Black & Brown people"? I was sure that wasn't how we were doing things these days.